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FIFO - Fit In or F**k Off!

FIFO – Fit In or F**k Off! explores the challenges fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workers and their families face, including the disconnect to family and friends, feelings of displacement, isolation, and the ever-present drug culture. The play follows two families, Jono, Mary and Janey, whose lives have been impacted by mining. Playwright Melody Dia weaves a confronting and visceral story as problems escalate, hit a turning point and explode – with secrets coming out.

FIFO – Fit In or F**k Off!  is filled with wry humour, turbulent emotions and unflinching truths. This powerhouse of a play will leave the reader on the edge of their seat asking, ‘is it worth it?’


Praise for FIFO - Fit In or F**k Off!

"Confronting yet tempered with Aboriginal humour…FIFO is an important story that could justifiably be dedicated to the moguls of the mining industry."
Writing WA

Melody Dia

Melody Dia is a proud Nyul Nyul woman born and raised in Broome, Western Australia. She has a mixed heritage of Indonesian, Indian and European – a typical reflection of Broome’s pearling history. After watching the stage play Bran Nue...

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